A Sunrise for the Birds | Outer Banks Landscape Photography

sunrise atlantic ocean avon north carolina outer banks shorebirds

Some mornings on the beach, the most rewarding thing to do is to watch the birds.  They are the most active as the sun is rising behind them, they scurry along the shoreline or dive from high in the air into the rolling waves, chattering the whole away about what seems like nothing more than bickering.  I love to see how close I can get to them as the dig for tiny sand fiddlers for their morning breakfast.  When I'm lucky, it's just me and the birds, each becoming more comfortable with the other as more time passes.  I'd like to think that eventually we could be friends, perhaps share a little bit of shoreline.

sunrise atlantic ocean avon north carolina outer banks shorebirds
sunrise atlantic ocean avon north carolina outer banks shorebirds
sunrise atlantic ocean avon north carolina outer banks shorebirds
sunrise atlantic ocean avon north carolina outer banks shorebirds