Pacific Grove by Night

The Night Sky at Point Pinos Lighthouse, Pacific Grove, CA

The Night Sky at Point Pinos Lighthouse, Pacific Grove, CA

My stubbornness to miss a night's sleep really impedes my astro-photography aspirations. But thankfully, I have friends who insist that I push past my routine and capture a few long exposure night photography images in a gorgeous location.  The coast of Pacific Grove near Monterey offers some pretty incredible rock formations.  On a trip last spring, we set up our tripods in the parking lot and battled approaching traffic, the continuous cycle of the of the lighthouse and the biting cold.  I decided this was as good a time as any to attempt to capture star trails.  So, I set my long exposure trigger to 15 minutes and waited patiently for the end result.  Patient really does pay in landscape photography.

The Night Sky at Pacific Grove, CA

The Night Sky at Pacific Grove, CA